Not a lot going on these days. The days are long and hot, and the evenings are spent at work trying to convince people to buy computers. I look forward to my weekends, but so far this summer not a lot has been going on.
I did go to Barrie and see a fantastic show on Saturday night. William Shakespeare's The Tempest, presented by Theatre By The Bay was wonderful Now I wasn't very familiar with this play, only really knowing some character names and that there was magic in it. The story was very easy to follow, and the performances were stellar across the board. The way the actor who portrayed Caliban carried himself on stage made me writhe in pain, knowing I could never hold my back in that position so long. The set was simple but evocative, and the music written for this production was wonderful. I truly hope this show gets the audience it deserves.
It was great spending some time after the show catching up with friends, and talking theatre. I love being a part of such a vibrant community.
I kept up with my running program this week, finishing Week 4. I'm going to start Week 5 a day early for 2 reasons. My niece started running at school this year and wants to join me. She's here Mondays and Fridays. The second reason is that I have a busy weekend planned for the upcoming weekend, and I don't think I can squeeze in a run next Saturday. So we're switching to a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule. I hope the increase in running time for Week 5 doesn't kill me.
Again another week where I didn't watch much tv. I set my PVR to record Torchwood last night, but it didn't take for some reason. I tried to watch it on Space's website and there's no sound! I'm sure it will be fixed soon, and I'll catch it then. I did discover that there was a software update on the PVR and you can set it to record only first run shows now. That'll be great when the fall season rolls around. The only other show I watched was the finale of Top Chef Canada. I didn't care for the guy who won, although he seems like a great cook. When contestants on shows like this bend the rules and whine when things don't go their way, I want them to lose. It didn't happen this time. Guess that proves reality tv isn't rigged.
So, that's it in a nutshell.
See ya in 7!
Theatre: The Tempest, Theatre By The Bay
TV: Top Chef Canada
Podcasts: Orlando Attractions Magazine, The Onion, Totally Rad Show