24 July 2011

And the summer rolls on...

and so do I.

So six weeks ago I started a running program called "Couch to 5K".  It's slowly increasing my endurance so that I can run for 25 minutes straight without collapsing in a heap.  It wasn't so bad until it started getting super hot the last week or so.  But I've mostly been running on trails that run out of a park near by, and in the trees it feels much cooler than out in the sun.

The drawback of running in the woods is that the trails are not even.  You have to watch out for roots and rocks, and the trail runs the gamut from boardwalk to mud.  But for the coolness of the forest, i risk it.

On Friday I was about 5 minutes into a 25 minute run.  I don't know if I tripped on a root, or stepped into a hole or what, but I went down.  Hard.  But I am nothing if not committed to my new fitness regime.  I picked myself up, saw how scraped up I was, dusted myself off and kept running.  And I ran just over 3K in those 25 minutes.

The scraped shin looked bad, but it wasn't until much later that I noticed how swollen my other ankle was.  I don't think I sprained or broke anything but it was tender for a little while.  Things seem good now.

Tomorrow is when Week 7 Day 1 happens.  I'll probably take it kind of easy, but I'm not giving up the program yet.  I've made it this far, I'm not giving up now.  Besides, this is my first sports related injury in YEARS.  I'm kind of proud of it.

To change topics totally, I saw Captain America today.  What a FANTASTIC movie.  I'm pretty sure it's my favourite super-hero movie of the summer. Chris Evans was great in the role, and the supporting cast was wonderful. There's even an Alan Menkin musical number in the middle of it! Marvel really knows how to make these movies something special.  And the 12 year old kid who used to pick up Avengers comics at Robbie's Variety monthly is now the 40 year old guy who can't wait to see the Avengers movie next summer.

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